Cs2 Midterm Review
UML Shapes Assignment
- Due Friday of this week
- Think about how things were structured in MineSweeper
- yay
Project Euler Examples / Notes
Problem 3
- We start with a number too big to fit in an int, use a long instead.
Problem 10
- just use the Sieve, and use longs because ints are too small.
Problem 12
- need a routine that will give you for any number its factors.
- probably within the long range.
- remember that it's asking for 501 divisors.
Problem 13
- Use Big Integers
- since they're too big to fit in longs, you may have to write your own addition routine to add ascii.
- You might be able to just use doubles, and hope that the high-order digits fit within the range of doubles.
Problem 26
- probably should skip this one.
- write your own division routine to draw out the numbers, and then look back after a while to find any repition.
Exam Characteristics
- Closed-computer
- Closed-book
- As many handwritten notes that you want
- must have been written by yourself
Things to know for Midterm
- Primitive Object Types
- Classes and Objects
- Difference b/t class and object
String, StringBuffer
- String vs. StringBuffer
- Mutability: Strings are immutable; once they are created, they can't be changed. Similar to Arrays. Has profound consequences on speed. StringBuffer (StringBuilder) is a mutable Object type; you can add on to it.
- Concept of streams
- difference b/t print, println, printf
- Command line applications
- "main" method and its arguments
- keyboard input via Scanner
- Applets vs. Gui applications
Path and Classpath
- Path: a set of directories used by the OS to find executable files.
- Classpath: A set of directories used by the Java VM to find classes.
- Classpath and package declaration
- Constructors
- Constructor overloading
- Default constructors
- Default actions for uninitialized variables
- Calling constructors from constructors (using
Getters, Setters
- Getters
- functions to get properties of an object
- Setters
- Functions to set properties of an object
Method signature
- Name, type & number of params
- NOT return type
Automatic type conversion in overloading
- Stored together in memory
- Array syntax:
double[] temperature = new double[7];
- resizing an array (NOT allowed)
- Array length:
- Array range: 0 to
- Default values for array variables
Array Loop Types
- be sure to know both normal for loops, and the "enhanced" for loops.
Big O notation
What does O(n) mean?
What does O(n2) mean?
Multidimensional Arrays
- Arrays of Arrays
- Row-major order, by convention
- Nested loops to process arrays
- Finding neighboors of an array element
- Higher-dimensional arrays
int[][][] threeDimensions = new int[4][4][4];
- ragged arrays
- extends keyword
- super keyword
- What happens to public, private, protected methods and variables?
- Terminology
- Superclass -> sublcass
- Parent class -> child class
- Base class -> derived class
- Class hierarchy
- Is-a vs. Has-a relationships
- Overriding vs. Overloading
- Overriding comes from superclass
- Overloading uses same name but different signature.
- calling "super" in a constructor:
- Fine:
Undergraduate U = new Undergraduate();
Student S = U;
- Error:
Student S = new Undergraduate(); // fine
Undergraduate U = new Student(); // ERROR
Abstract Classes, Interfaces
- Abstract Classes
- Allows creation of base class that does not implement any functionality.
- Serves as placeholder
- make it simple to derive classes
- Assures compatible functionality to use in Polymorphism.
- Dynamic and Static Binding
- blarg
- just see the damn powerpoint
Graphical User Interfaces
- JFrame and Japplet
- JOptionPane
- Components
- Jlabel
- Jbutton
Events and Listeners
- Event - listener model
- Registering as an event listener
- ActionListener
- Throwing exceptions
- Catching exceptions
- exception handler
Try block
checked exceptions vs. unchecked
- checked require a try-catch block
- unchecked do not, examples: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, ArithmeticException, NullPointerException