Game Of Life Notes
>>>> Game of Life Due Next Wednesday <<<<
Project Euler 17
- lots of special cases.
Project Euler 24
- One option: 9 nested loops
- counter for something
- only 1 million things, ints will work.
- Better option: recursive calls.
Game of Life
- Based off of Conway's game of life.
- See the rules on the assingment page.
You'll need two grids: the current generation and the next generation. The next gen will be computed off of the current gen.
GUI Ideas
- Arrays of buttons, etc.
Toroidal Arrays
- necessary part of the program (the array wraps around)
// for A[0][0], to find the neighboors to the left.
neighboorLeft = A[r][c-1] if c > 0
neighboorLeft = A[r][c+A[0].length - 1] otherwise
// or better way:
neighboorLeft = A[r][(c + A[0].length - 1) % A[0].length];
A[r][(c+1) % A[0].length]
Example method to find all live neighboors:
// for an array of booleans
// called by the
public int liveNeighboors(boolean[][] A, int r, int c)
for(int row = r-1; row <= r+1; row++) {
for (int col = c-1; col <= c+1; col++) {
int nr = (row + A.length) % A.length;
int nc = (col + A[0].length) % A[0].length;
if (A[nr][nc] == true) count ++;
if (A[r][c]) count--;
return count;
actionPerformed( )
if (source == timer) {
computeGenerations(); // key routine, probably should return void.
public void computeGeneration(Boolean[][] A, Boolean[][] B)
for (int r=0; r<A.length; r++) {
for (int c=0; c<A[r].length; r++) {
int ln = liveNeighboors(A,r,c);
boolean isLive = A[r][c];
if (isLive) {
if (ln <= 2 || ln > 3) B[r][c] = false;
else B[r][c] = true;
else {
if (ln == 3) B[r][c]
in the constructor:
animationTimer = new javax.swing.Timer(30, this);
paintComponent method:
public void paintComponent